The Five Spot
Bettina Hubby | Vincent Sabella
Laura and Manfred Menz | Marion Lane
October 2012
Selected Works
The Five Spot brings together five artists (two of whom show a collaboration) who each administer the strategies of television optics and commercial desire as both the poison and the antidote, turning fervent codes and strategies inside out to get at what is hidden behind the surface. The show’s title refers to the casual lingo of televised programming and also cash money. The very diverse practices of these artists, all of whom live and work in Los Angeles, replicate for the viewer differently aspected optical and emotional experiences akin to the passive, manipulative vertigo of commercial surrender. These artists explore the way color and pattern stimulate the brain, using imagery, abstraction, and the in-between, delivering content but deferring meaning. Featuring, Laura and Manfred Menz, Vincent Sabella, Bettina Hubby, and Marion Lane.